Personal Who's Who in terms of GDP in 2022 Source:
Personal Любопитно ... Source: LinkedIn Знаете че никога не съм бил запален фен на г-н Гейтс III, но трябва да му се признае че има опит, постигнал е успех и има визия, какво се случва в света.
How to solve NSPOSIXErrorDomain:40 I’m so frustrated that I need to use another browser because Safari randomly pops up this error whenever he wants, just on the MBP ( on iPhone and iPad works just fine )... It’s firewall related problem. Disable firewall and you’re good.
Personal Slack integration In previous year I have thinked many times that Facebook [] and other social media places are not going into right direction. So I've started my own private Slack [] instance in the internet. Everybody is welcome to join there! All blogs messages
MacOS Find out which sleep mode your Mac uses You should use Terminal to find out which sleep mode your Mac is currently set to use. Then you can use Terminal to change it to a different mode if you want to. pmset -g | grep hibernatemode Possible results are: hibernatemode 0 (standard sleep) hibernatemode 1 (hibernate mode, for pre-2005
FreeBSD Automate NextCloud updates Here is my script to automate NextCloud updates. They can be put into crontab in example: #!/bin/csh setenv nextcloud "/usr/local/www/nextcloud" pushd $nextcloud sudo -u www -D $nextcloud /usr/local/bin/php --define apc.enable_cli=1 updater/updater.phar --no-interaction sudo -u www -D
FreeBSD Automate GHOST updates Here are my scripts for automaticaly update my GHOST updates on FreeBSD. First i'm listing my rc.d script for starting it: #!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: ghost # REQUIRE: DAEMON SERVERS mysql postgresql slapd # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable powerdns: # # ghost_enable="
Personal Unbelievable 💡 JBIG2 doesn't have scripting capabilities, but when combined with a vulnerability, it does have the ability to emulate circuits of arbitrary logic gates operating on arbitrary memory. So why not just use that to build your own computer architecture and script that!? That's exactly what this
MySQL MySQL 8.0.27 upgrade failure If after the upgrade the mysql doesn't start don't panic! In mysql8 mysql_upgrade command is dummy, and the database upgrades automatic on first restart. In my scenario I was upgrading from 8.0.26 to mysql8.0.27 and I see errors like bellow and
FreeBSD Upgrade PostgreSQL 14.5 to 15.x on FreeBSD New version of postgresql 15 database have arrived. I have updated the manual to newest possible upgraded version on 14 october 2022. Stop your postgresql database daemon on FreeBSD machine: service postgresql stop Create package containing your old version ( 14.5 ) binaries ( depends are you using postgresql14-contrib package, but command
FreeBSD Howto run and update ghost 4.x on node.js 17.x It looks that there is big inconsistency in FreeBSD ports [] - related to python 3.10 [] and node.js []. Currently only node.js 17.x can be build if you have such combination of programming languages on
MySQL Ghost and sqlite3 After many problems and outages of my blog now It is clear for me that it is better to use mysql as database backend in Ghost CMS! It looks that with Node14 it doesn't work with sqlite3 database backend. Migration is easy - just take the latest backup
WEB Matomo INFILE usage with MySQL8 and PHP8 It looks tricky to cheat matomo [] INFILE usage when you use PHP8 [] and MySQL8 []. My quick hints are: 1. Did you have put in my.cnf file: secure-file-priv = //matomo/tmp/assets/ 2. Do you
Personal Триумфът на стадния имунитет ... Поредния анализ публикуван от Георги К. Маринов работещ в Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA. Оригиналният текст е публикуван от г-н Маринов в Google Disk тук: 2021-06-05-herd-immunity.pdfGoogle Docs
Personal Локдаун за последно или до безкрай? Поредният много силен материал от Георги К. Маринов [] работещ в Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA 2021-03-18-ZeroCOVID.pdfGoogle Docs []И локално копие: 2021-03-18-ZeroCOVID.pdfNextcloud - a safe home for all your dataNextcloud [https://cloud.
Cisco Cisco Live 2021 Cisco Live 2021 | Digital Networking EventIn 2021, Cisco’s premier education and training event for IT professionals is going global. Join us on March 31 - April 1, 2021.Cisco []
FreeBSD Installing [matrix]-bridges on FreeBSD Here is my example using mautrix-facebook [] as example $ mkdir bridges/facebook $ cd bridges/facebook $ virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.7 . $ bash $ source bin/activate $ pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/usr/local/include" --upgrade git+
FreeBSD ELF binary type "0" not known. Today I've invested some time to bring back to life my personal Cloud storage []. The reason for his death was upgrade to PHP8 []. So after some research I've found that at this moment
FreeBSD Build graphics/pecl-imagick PHP 8 compatible extension The version in the ports tree is not working - it shows some errors when installed. But the source on the master brach of the Imagick repo [] seems to work. Here's how you can use it. 1. Clone the repo somewhere on disk
FreeBSD How to build and install Mattermost plugins on FreeBSD I was unpleasantly surprised to find that all plugins published on Mattermost plugin marketplace [] are not working on installed server on FreeBSD. They all are failing to start - it doesn't matter did you enabled linux64 emulation [
HAProxy How to made Websocket traffic to go via HAProxy The solution was simple: Tell HAProxy to tag Websocket traffic, and set up a separate but otherwise identical backend for this specific use case. One of typical applications which is using Websocket traffic is Slack []. An excelent opensource alternative of it named Mattermost []. The